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Truth Behind Caffeinated Peanut Butter

  Touted as a pre-exercising alternative, caffeinated peanut butter is just one of the many misleading meals gift available on the market nowadays. It wouldn't be this kind of huge problem if most of us failed to have already got excessive without delivered caffeine in our peanut butter. Touted as a pre-workout alternative, caffeinated peanut butte r is simply one of the many misleading ingredients gifts in the marketplace these days. Peanut butter is evidently caffeine-unfastened and includes by and large fat with a few proteins. Food manufacturers have determined to add a drug - a bit of white powder known as caffeine - to that natural peanut butter. It would not be this kind of huge problem if maximum folks did not have already got high caffeine intakes without introduced caffeine in peanut butter Many of U's probably have a cup (or ) of our favourite joe in the morning, offering among one hundred twenty-200mg of caffeine to our each day tally. The Food and Drug Admi

Slag-free diet: benefits, tips and what to eat

Slag-free diet: benefits, tips and what to eat
A slag-free diet becomes necessary to face certain diagnostic tests, analyzes or to clean the intestines. Let's find out how to eat without waste !

Let's start by saying that a slag-free diet involves the elimination of all the components that can be discarded in a food.

The seeds of tomatoes as well as the peel of an apple, for example, represent the most striking example of those "waste" that must be eliminated from the diet.

Why a slag-free diet? Benefits and advantages

The low or slag- free diet is not difficult to follow, but it should be prescribed by the doctor when it is necessary to eliminate any material that could interfere with surgery or specialist examinations.

The doctor indicates the guidelines to follow, the list of foods to consume and avoid and the duration of the diet (since it cannot be continued over time).

Usually the slag-free diet is prescribed in view of an ultrasound of the abdomen , a colonoscopy, an analysis and surgery.

The slag-free diet for laparoscopy , bowel surgery or ultrasound can be used for other purposes. Your doctor may opt for a diet without waste even to the diverticulitis or Crohn's disease .

In new years, more and more people have found themselves following the slag-free diet to escape constipation , bloating, inflammatory intestinal diseases and enterocolitis.

What are food waste?

The diet must say goodbye to the parts of food that can be eliminated in the preparation phase, those that the body is unable to assimilate and excretes through the feces.

It is mostly fiber (the insoluble ones) present in food that are not digestible and usable.

Fruit peel, fruit and vegetable seeds, fat from cured meats, dietary fiber, breadcrumbs and so on end up among the waste.

Slag-free diet: What to eat?

The diet without waste for colonoscopy , surgery or other purposes requires the exclusion of the disposable parts of food, greatly varying the eating habits. But what are the suitable foods?

Dietary fibers

Foods containing dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables should be limited in the slag-free diet . Green light, therefore, to foods without fibers !

If you just can't get rid of them completely for the period of your diet, then you need to get rid of the seeds and peel of fruit and vegetables.

Fish and fatty meats

Fish and particularly fatty meats such as salmon or pork must be limited or completely eliminated.

As for fish, it is better to choose lean products such as cod or sea bass, strictly cooked in a light way. Make way for the griddle and steam cooking.

Alternatively, you can opt for lean, skinless white meats such as turkey or chicken breast. Also in this case, light cooking is a winner.

Cured meat

Rich and fatty cured meats such as cooked ham, salami or mortadella should disappear from the weekly menus.

Those who have to consume food without slag can vary their diet by including only bresaola seasoned with oil and lemon and fat-free raw ham.

Non-whole grains

The slag-free diet allows for the consumption of whole grains, bran or whole flours, with a nod to all white flour products.

It is easy to understand how the slag-free diet includes non-wholemeal breadsticks (as well as bread, pasta and baked goods), only to be asked to avoid bread with a lot of crumb anyway.

Fatty dairy products and whole milk

With a view to a slag-free diet, whole milk should be avoided for breakfast , while all fatty dairy products, from cream to dairy products and mature cheeses, should be excluded for lunch and dinner.

It goes without saying that it is possible to include skim milk, primosale, lean ricotta, preferably accompanied by vegetables (without seeds and / or peel).


Those who find themselves following a slag-free diet must also give up legumes and all the dishes that may contain them.

Foods with osmotic power

The menu of the slag-free diet must also say goodbye to foods with a high osmotic power, that is, foods capable of drawing water in the intestine. Red light for ice cream, jams, sweets and chocolate!

What can you eat on a slag-free diet?

The list of allowed slag-free foods is not difficult to compile, especially after understanding the mechanism for eliminating so-called slag.

You can include eggs , lean red or skinless white meat, lean fish, bresaola and fat-free cured ham, non-whole grains, skim milk, fresh and lean dairy products, non-wholemeal pasta and bread, and fiber and seed- free vegetables in your diet. .

Among the fats allowed by this diet, however, only extra virgin olive oil stands out (used in modest quantities and raw).

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